Welcome to my blog. Preparing for the last Cardboard Hurrah

Monday, April 17, 2017

Seat 11 and 12 get filled!!

Some great responses to the last BFG post and we have a pair of winners!
Two of my archest rivals and closest blogging buddies are in the BIG FUN GAME!  Only three spots remain so lets just comment why you are still in to get one of these final spots.  Tuesday night by 5pm

Just to clear something up.  The two spots are going to Tony L and BWTP.  Sorry for any confusion


  1. I'm in because I haven't participated in much of anything these past five years because I live in Japan!

  2. I want in because I want to see what this is all about. And I need my wisdom teeth pulled. This may soften the blow some

  3. I want in because I'm curious what is going on and would like to be a part of something BIG!

  4. I keep coming up a bit short on the randomizer. Surely luck will be on my side this time. Also, I like games...and a big game sounds even better.

  5. I will not eat or drink until I am accepted into the Big Fun Game!

    Hmm....that's a little extreme. I'm getting pretty hungry here. It's lunchtime, after all. Let me try again.

    I will not shower or brush my teeth until I am accepted into the Big Fun Game!

    Errr...my wife says that one's not going to fly. She has such power over me. One last try...

    I will stop computer-hacking the US Government until I am accepted into the Big Fun Game!

    Yeah, that one sounds good. So if anyone out there needs some classified information, make sure I get one of those final seats! :-)

  6. i'm still trying for one of the last three spots because i refuse to give up. nothing is over until the randomizer says it's over. a day may come when the randomizer fails to call my name. but it is not this day. an hour when the BIG FUN GAME begins without me. but it is not this day. this day i fight!

  7. i'm getting curiouser and curiouser

  8. I'm in because the Randomizer had me in the lower end of the list the last two times, so that means I gotta be towards the top of the list this time, right? That's not how it works?

  9. My curiosity is fully piqued and I would like to be in on these shenanigans.

  10. I am in until the lights get turned off and I am kicked out.

  11. I'm in because I gots to be!
    It's the Big Fun Game. I don't wanna be standing outside with the knothole gang. I just gots to be in this one!

  12. Because a big fun game has got to be good!

  13. Because I can't go this far and then not go further!

  14. Tuesday's haiku:

    Pick me, I will plea.
    Because I am curious.
    About this fun game.
