Welcome to my blog. Preparing for the last Cardboard Hurrah

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Supertraders Update

Good afternoon!  Brian from PATP has been kind enough to put together of all the Super Traders.  He needs quite a few addresses to compile this master list.  If you want you can email me at lifebythedrop79 at yahoo dot com with your up to date mailing address and I will get it to Brian.

Get ready for a great 2016-Big things ahead for the Super Traders!


  1. Awesome- I am looking forward to trading with new folks and renewing some classic trade routes from 2015.

  2. ditto - hope to have some nice cards to share with new friends and old. my budget doesn't allow for high dollar product. I do try to be generous and always include something oddball and fun.

  3. My addy hasn't changed, please forward it on to PATP and let the fun begin!
