Welcome to my blog. Preparing for the last Cardboard Hurrah

Monday, June 15, 2015

Uncle Tiny drops bombs

I consider Kevin aka Uncle Tiny one of my best friends in the hobby.  I don't know where he keeps finding me all this good stuff but he does!

 Lets start this post with Mr. Stigman
 All in on Screech
 Oh I love my mascots
 Big changes coming in the way I collect Braves...more on that soon
 Great haul on Bravos
 Precious Metal Gems-dinged corner but I don't mind
 Some more numbered goodies
 Legendary Numbers
 Some fun with Relics
 My first coin card!
 A very limited Spangenberg kicks off the Auto contributions
 Direct from the U
 Silver comes off well on the helmet
 Letters always make me smile
 A pull out
 An auto from a product I'd never be able to afford
 Love this dual relic auto of Moya
 Now we are getting into the OMG Portion of the show---Cut Signature
 About as fancy a mascot card as you can find!
 A beautiful dual relic of a guy most love to hate
 And finally another installment of the cards I never thought I'd own----BOOM

Uncle Tiny you always do me right!! As always I thank you my brother.

In the next day or two I will share a mailday from my good blogging buddy PTown Tom that has had me thinking since the day I got the package.  Some change is coming in the world of JBF land.  Sometimes perspective is a great thing and so can change. 


  1. The coin card is pretty neat, but it seems like every time I see one the coin is mostly upside down. So it goes I suppose.
    Uncle Tiny seems like a nice fellow!

    P.S. - Sorry, I didn't mean to make you get all deep in thought! Honest!
