Welcome to my blog. Preparing for the last Cardboard Hurrah

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Tradeathon-Addresses Needed!

Thank you all to those that participated in the tradeathon.  Another thanks to those that have already sent me lists and address.  I still need quite a few!  Please send if you haven't.  I'm working to have these out in this weekends mail-hopefully.  I will hold onto the unclaimed and post them at a later date.

Hope everyone has a great and safe Holidays.

Oh and Bob Walk......you've been warned



  1. Thanks! Sent mine. Still gathering a few things for u in the trade and maybe something outside of this trade too...

  2. "Oh and Bob Walk......you've been warned"

    You should just put that at the end of every single post you make.

  3. Home address:

    Jacob Gilbert
    118 4th St., Apt. 1
    Troy NY 12180

    Shoot me a e-mail.

  4. Home address:

    Jacob Gilbert
    118 4th St., Apt. 1
    Troy NY 12180

    Shoot me a e-mail.
