Welcome to my blog. Preparing for the last Cardboard Hurrah

Saturday, September 15, 2012

JBF Trade Bait Draft Version 4-Early Bird Sign Ups are Live

Round 3 went off tremendously well and I still have tons of extra cards lying around so....

JBF Trade Bait Draft Version 4
150 Total Cards-15 Spots Available
ALL BASEBALL-50 Autos/GU, 50 Vintage, 50 #'d and Inserts

Early bird entries will be open until 10AM Monday 9/17-Early birds will be $10 Paypal Gift

Regular entries will cost $12 Paypal Gift

Paypal addy is lifebythedrop79@yahoo.com

Let's fill it up and have some fun!


  1. I enjoyed the last one...count me in.


  2. I'm in as well will send payment tonight.

  3. I am in too, will get a payment out soon.

  4. Count me in please, I will send payment during the week if that's ok.

  5. I hope I'm early-bird in. Count me in again - please update me via email!

    And I'm just now writing a post about Draft #2. YOUCH. I'm so far behind...
