Sunday, June 10, 2018

Welcome to AREA 40

I thought I could do it, I thought if I unloaded a Clemente sized can of ass whup on BWTP that I could finally walk away in peace. But the bloods still pumping in this collectors heart and I'm back.

So welcome to AREA 40.  What is the deal? What does it mean?  Well, here's the scoop. I recently turned the big 39 and one of my buddies remarked it's all downhill from here and welcome to AREA 40.  not sure I've heard that terminology before but he had enjoyed a few bourbon cordials so he may have just made it up. Either way I liked it so welcome to AREA 40.

The past few months I have been very good.  I haven't opened any packs and didn't even fall victim to Ohtani fever.  But I'm still itching and wondered how I can scratch one last time.  So I've decided on a plan inspired by a picture.
This is circa 1991 and I don't think I've ever been happier in collecting.  That many packs made me feel like a king. So I've got about 11 months until I turn 40 and I'm going to accumulate as many packs as I can.  Then I will have a huge cardboard blowout.  Maybe then I will be ready to walk away.  But for now load up the spaceship with the rocket fuel as I scrounge all over parts unknown to build the biggest pack stash I can.  There will be contests along the way as I update my progress.  I will be sticking to packs(for all sports and even non sports) from 1997 to today as that was when I re-entered the hobby in full force.  Here's the first few assortments of packs headed for my vault.

So how many packs do I want to acquire in the next year? As many as I can!  I have a number in mind but I'll release that a later date.  But for now buckle up----IM BACK


  1. i knew you weren't going anywhere. 40 came and went for me and life is still good. I'm having more fun now than I ever did. Enjoy the ride Wes!

    1. My 30s have been better than my I have no worried about the big four-oh. Besides, that's my wedding day :-)

  2. Oh yeah, I'm ready for this! Also, love photos of people as kid collectors. I posted one of me on Twitter a few weeks ago.

  3. Sounds like a fun endeavour!

  4. When I was looking down 40 last year, I just busted a box of Star Wars 40th Anniversary, but this is a much better idea! Best of luck! Should be a lot of fun.

    1. There will be some star wars in the pile I feel confident!

  5. My 40s are in the rearview mirror. They were more fun than the 30s. But I think the 50s might have both beat.

    Looking forward to all the fun!

  6. I'm about 5 months into my 40s. So far it's a lot like my 30s.
    Sounds like you're going into full out accumulation mode. Good luck!

  7. welcome back! and thanks for the bubbler, it arrived last week safe and sound!

  8. Looking forward to following. Love the old pic - great Canseco shirt.

  9. The fact that you're back is awesome, and your loose cannon attack on card pack accumulation is enviable. Go get em!

  10. Welcome back sir! Looking forward to the pack attack as only Wes can!

  11. Always great to have good bloggers back and I look forward to the fun!

  12. I'm halfway through my 40's... and can't complain too much. Are you only accumulating packs through sealed boxes? I have a few leftover 2018 Topps packs from my contest I could send your way.

  13. fool. Now you've opened Pandora's cardboard box, and I've got a few packs of surprises to send ur way ;)

  14. Always great to read about your crazy collecting endeavors ! The toughest part will be to be able to not scratch that itch for 11 months...

    1. Very true but I'm just gonna put them away. It will make for the best card day ever!

  15. Welcome back and enjoy your 40's! As someone who is still in my early 40's, I have to say they are not too bad. Looking forward to your blog posts.
