Saturday, July 1, 2017

World Cup of Trading Entrant 3- P Town Tom

Entrant 3 is a very familiar friend around these parts.  If I had an inner circle then Tom would certainly be at that table!  Tonight I spotlight a stunning batch of cards that Tom sent me in the WCOT.  Tom was trading for just two cards:

 Surprise bonus on the Bringer of Rain below!  He is numbered to only 5!

So what did Tom send my way?  Buckle up
 Up first is a huge stack of Hammers.  Almosy all were inserts or parallels
 Gu auto with stripe is always a winner
 Always live the Prizm auto
 Something about that Piedmont auto speaks to me
 More great ink
 Oh i love the see through!!
 And finally closing it out with Stevie!

Tom.  I must say your really outdid yourself here my friend.  I will always value our wars and battles as some of my absolute favorites!


  1. It has been a pleasure, my friend.
    I scoured the internet for more Steve Woodard autos ... and luckily was able to track one more down. Just curious, but how many are you up to now?

  2. Were you able to wake up this morning. Looks like you were pretty hammered.

  3. Impressive haul from Tom!

    Do WCOT entries calculate into the "yearlong Willinghammer contest" too? Because I've gotta assume Tom's got an insurmountable lead at this point.

  4. That is certainly a trade that worked out for both!
