Sunday, February 26, 2017

Willinghammer hoarding on comc

So i had been assembling a haul ofWillinghams on comc since December.   Finally pushed the ship button...

As Chris Jericho would say....drink it in maaaaaaaaan


  1. I've got about three years of purchases piling up at COMC headquarters. I have to wonder what they think when they pack some of these orders, especially an order like yours where it's just "every single Willingham there is in our warehouse".

    1. I envision when i make a deposit on comc that a siren goes off, balloons, and confetti drop. Then they say the nut is back with more money.

  2. 1. You are going to make it a lot harder for all of us to find Willinghams to send you.

    2. You are going to drive up his card prices because they will be so rare for everyone else.

  3. So im gonna be rich??? Yall will pay me for the willinghams to send to me?? Sounds like a ponzi scheme to me lol

  4. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeey. I just searched "Josh Willingham" on COMC and there are still cards available to purchase:,so,i100,=Josh+Willingham

    And you claim to be a super collector. You disgust me.

  5. Nice haul! I was always a fan of Willingham when he played for the Twins.
