Thursday, February 4, 2016

Supertraders Update

Good afternoon!  Brian from PATP has been kind enough to put together of all the Super Traders.  He needs quite a few addresses to compile this master list.  If you want you can email me at lifebythedrop79 at yahoo dot com with your up to date mailing address and I will get it to Brian.

Get ready for a great 2016-Big things ahead for the Super Traders!


  1. Awesome- I am looking forward to trading with new folks and renewing some classic trade routes from 2015.

  2. ditto - hope to have some nice cards to share with new friends and old. my budget doesn't allow for high dollar product. I do try to be generous and always include something oddball and fun.

  3. My addy hasn't changed, please forward it on to PATP and let the fun begin!
