Tuesday, September 19, 2017

World Cup of Trading WE HAVE A WINNER TOP 6 REVEAL

After so much deliberation I have arrived upon a final six and we have a winner.  I went from 11 to six in my deliberations and then went about ranking the top six.  By all means this was a tremendously difficult decision.  I have added everyone that competed in the WCOT to my final going away trading list. I have also added everyone that I had listed on my Willinghammer contest on that list as well.  I will be working to get something to everyone on that list in the next month or so.  Then for the future this blog will be going dark. I will share maildays on twitter but dont plan to blog or actively trade.  Some very close acquaintances will still occasionally see me pop up in their mailboxes from time to time.  So anyway here is the big finale!  From #6 to 1.  I will have the paypal prizes out at the beginning of the month.

#6. The Daily Dimwit

#5.  Bob Walk the Plank

#4.  SCC

#3.  The Lost Collector

#2.  James

#1.  ANGUS

I want to again say THANK YOU to everyone that participated and made this a very hard decision!  I also must say Thank You to everyone thats ever read, commented, traded, bought, sold, or even just chatted via email.  Happy Trails Buckeroos.  Be good to yourself and each other!

Wes aka jaybarkerfan 

Thursday, September 14, 2017

World Cup results not ready yet

Sorry to all but its been a crazy week and haven't been able to get the world cup finale post ready.  Not going to give a date that  i cant be sure i will be able to make. So lets just say Coming Soon!  Everyone have a great day!

Thursday, September 7, 2017

World Cup of Trading Update

Just wanted to reach in and let everyone know that I have reviewed the field and chosen the top 11.  From there i hope to have announcement for the top finishers reveal next week!  Probably on next Thursday and Friday.  The decision just to get the field cut in half was incredibly tough but i got it there.  Differentiation from numbers 5-17 were especially difficult and i want to say thank youto everyone but here are the final 11 alive for the top spots in no particular order

Tim B

Good Luck to everyone!