Friday, May 29, 2015

Underdog Cardboard-Z Man strikes back

The Z Man has dropped a surprise on me yet again.  He has hinted at war but I'm already neck deep with the devious Tony L so those talks must wait.  He did however send me some sweetness:
 He started me out with a player I miss
 A delicious McMurtry graph
 What's the story on this Beautiful Patch???? Do Tell
And the Chief to boot?????  Great stuff my friend-Thanks for thinking of me !!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Card Papoy-Great Taste in Cardboard

Again I was lucky enough to be visited in my mailbox by my French friend Kevin from the Card Papoy.  He has really nice tastes and sends tremendous cardboard a loooong way. He has been a huge contributor to my autograph project this year an  He's a trading stud!
Two Knickerbockers
 A very fancy Timberwolf
 A couple of Jays escape the grasp of Papoy
 Oh my Braves.  The Dual is sweet!
 Mr. Swope got a lot of rookie autos and I don't mind taking any of them!
 Oh my! Lots of things I could say but kids may be reading...
 A beautiful Murph.  MURPH4HOF
 A Hot Hot Hot 1/1  - Awesome!!!!!!!
Kevin closed me out with a hypnotizing Bieb

Thank you again My Friend!  This was a very very nice surprise!!  Great Scott has a few surprises to send your way from me the next time ya'll swap!  Viva France!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A Topps Redemption story

This one is about 3 years in the making.  A redeemed Tyrell Jenkins refractor auto just wasn't meant to be...Got this dear John letter from Topps today:
 So the replacement was Ryan Ripken.   I'm not too upset with this swap out but geez that's a long time in the offing.

So what do you guys think? Did I do better or worse with the replacement?

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

War gets Serious---A package rocks my block off

Tony is proving to be a very tricky opponent.  I've sung his praises already so today I will just share the machine of war that Tony sent my way as part of his "Wild Card" package.  JBF Headquarters is rocked.
 An ominous warning from Tony that looms large
 Oh nooo.  The Chamber.  Where careers are broken and immortals are made
 Perhaps our war is more like a hell in a cell?
 This package does feel like a shot to the head with a steel pipe
 Tony is trying to put me through a table
 Maybe our battle should be on PPV
 Will a champion eventually be crowned
 Let's look at some wrasslin cards-Which I enjoy
 The legendary Weasel

 This selection is reeking of awesomeness
 Drew McIntyre doesn't deserve to be shown instead of Jillian
 Tony touched base on my no name QB Collection Here
 Including one for the Auto Project
 Let's finish it off with Shiekie Baby
 Oh gosh what hides within
 A decoy Upton
 Murph! Murph! Murph! Murph!
 It's a Daleing...Or a Murphing!!!
 A lovely rookie of the Murph!!!
 Some Mavs!
 Tony is just vicious with the vintage
 Les Expos

 The Knuckler

 Gosh Almighty

 I should have known better than to pick a fight with someone actually in Atlanta
 Tony must have endless resources for Bravos

 They just keep on comin

 But not 1992 Topps Lucky
 Hilarious Sticker!
 Bama Minis
 AJ Fever
 Bama Runners
The cards were only half of the equation as Tony smacked with a variety of other goodies!
 What are the story on these toy Bats!?!
 The Hammer!
 Some super sweet helmets-A pocket pro and an ice cream sized
 He never looked good in that Phils Uni
 Canseco has never been in better company
 Murph Coins and pinback...Priceless
 A loaded Action Pack All Stars pack.  Rookies Reunite with Parrish on top and Murph on bottom

 Groovy 3D Murph
 So...I'm hopeful this shiny beauty will have a cold one in it by years end at Turner Field.  Hopefully celebrating this war with Tony
 Big CAT

 I've got some great reading material for my summer vacation!

 Love the vintage Murph box bottoms

 My first Bravos Media Guide

 An Army of Melvins
So glad that this wayward box finally found it's way to my front porch.  Very nice mortar shot by you sir.  Tip of the Cap  #woundedbutnotdone #fourmonstersremain