Monday, June 30, 2014

COMC Delivery

I have picked up a few things on COMC lately.  Here are a couple:
 A slew of local MLB vet Steve Woodard

 A minor league Woody

 I was very happy to find the Detlef below.  I dabble in Mavs and have always wanted this one!


Sunday, June 29, 2014

Trade from Remember the Astrodome

I had the pleasure of receiving some cardboard from Marc over at Remember the Astrodome.  I have sent some Astros-they are on the way.  He sent some great mascots and a couple of Willinghammers to seal the deal!

Thanks again Marc!  Hope you enjoy what I sent your way! 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Friday, June 20, 2014

Winds of Change

So it's been a month since I last posted-that was for the wrap up of the Deal or No Deal Game.

I've been busy since then organizing, sorting, and getting to work on shipping cards.  I'm thinning out my collection to only the stuff I really want.  The vintage, Josh Willinghams, Mascots, and some other miscellaneous odds and ends.

I can't say I won't be buying any new cards simply because I like being able to pass cards on others and that's too hard to pass up for me.  However, active trading and pursuing is over for me-for now.

I may put out some feelers for cards I have remaining that don't have a destination already in mind.

The plan is too start in earnest on vintage collecting. Finish with 69 Topps and then work backwards from 1975.  Hopefully, this will lead to new material for the blog and a little bit of new inspiration for me.

One more housekeeping note-I have given up on the colored parallel frankenset.  I appreciate those that contributed and I have decided to have a contest for one of the cards offered up a prize.  Details to come soon but it will be nice and simple.